Small Updates Tonight Plus Near Future Priorities 07242022

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Tonight we released two small updates. The more relevant to you is that we have made voting for a server not reload the page.

This is beneficial to you by reducing the amount of time waiting on page loads to continue reading information on a server.

This hurts us by reducing the minuscule amount of ad revenue the reload generated. Oh well!

The second update is a small rework of the navigation bar. This allows us to add additional items to it while not overwhelming mobile devices. (It's just a dropdown on mobile now)

Priorities for the next update:

Finish Valheim list, even without server status.

Finish basic community page list.

-- Community pages are the non-gaming specific pages.

Examples include: Brands, Art clubs, and fans of a specific band. Movie critics, Podcast communities, YouTubers, etc.

Following these lists going live, the 2 focus areas will be:

1. Comment Enhancements.

2. Tweaks to Community Pages to include more relevant options to those types of groups.

For example, adding the ability to have more than 1 youtube video on the page. Links to websites/web stores, Twitter widget, Facebook widget, and other things that I think up.

This will be expanded to the other gaming server pages, if relevant.
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